The Author

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Elizabeth Cricken lives in Chicago, Illinois, USA and writes the flash fiction blog:

She enjoys fans, fun and foolishness.

Contact Elizabeth Cricken:

1 - A special shout out to my new friend, Ken! You know who you are!
2 - Another special shout out to new friends, Michelle and John! Go controls!
3 - A special shout out to Timothy!
4 - A special shout out to #236 at Bagram Air Base!!  Go redheads!!
5 - Super duper shout out to Teresa! Woo hoo!  Thanks for the "Like"!
6 - Hello to new friend, Jim! Yay for a svelte divorced Christmas season!
7 - Waz up! to my writer friend, Karen Cherry! as in the Random, untrue blog. Love it!
8 - An ooo la la shout out to Dr. Myrtle Wilhite! Your store rocks! A Woman's Touch. Picante!
     (p.s. where's my package?)
9 - Howard from MA! magna cum say what?
10 - Steve, Steve, my old friend. Come illustrate some books for me.
11 - Andrew, "any time"? Be still my heart.
12 - A shout out to Jose's mother, the coolest chick and mom of 6 sons! Gracias por tu bienvenida!
13 - A shout out to Christina whose method of saying good bye is most peculiar!