Thursday, December 27, 2012

Madame Python and Miss Cricket

In getting underway, I just want to say that everything in this blog is fiction.  Madame Python and Miss Cricket, for example, are characters.  If they remind you of people you know, oh, dear, you run in some strange circles.  I will write and post a lot of flash fiction which, for me, means fast fiction.  Short stories, chapters of books, poems, fake articles, fake advice columns, letters, nasty tweets, etc.  Shall I repeat - it's all made up.  For example, if I say this and that happened when I met the Mayor of Mumbai, it's a fictional story.

With regard to comments, Madame Python doesn't give a rats ass about any of your comments and will never read them.  Miss Cricket will want to read all the comments but then will get depressed if any are rude - which is why Madame Python discourages Miss Cricket from doing any such thing.  If either of them respond to a comment, it'd be a miracle.  But miracles have been known to happen.

Madame Python and Miss Cricket live in Beecher, Illinois, USA.  Madame Python owns a large house and keeps a pool boy even in winter.  Miss Cricket lives in an apartment with three cats and is shocked that people sometimes jaywalk.  They are best of friends because they've been friends since second grade, but otherwise they have almost nothing in common.

Well, here we go!  Merry Christmas 2012, dear friends!  May the flash fiction begin.

Oh, and this stuff is all copyright protected.  Link to the stuff, tell people about it, share it on Facebook, be a tweet about it, buy it in a book format, but just don't say you wrote it.  If you do, Madame Python will hunt you down and the rest of us will have to avert our eyes.


Copyright 2012, Elizabeth Cricken, All Rights Reserved

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